
In-text citations

Format: [Reference no., p. page]

Ex.: Sample text sample text [1, p. 74] sample text [2], etc..

In the reference list

Format: [Reference no.] First Name Initial(s) Last Name. “Page Title.” Website Title. Web Address (accessed Date Accessed).

Ex. without author: [1] “National accounts.” (accessed Sep. 9, 2020).

Ex. with 1 authors: [2] D. Miessler. “A Future Without Privacy.” Daniel Miessler. (accessed Sep. 9, 2020).

Note: If the webpage does not have a personal author add the responsible publisher/organisation in it’s place

I EndNote

Add as Web Page.

Fill in the fields: Author (remember to add a comma (,) after responsible publisher/organisation to display the full name), Title, Publisher (website title), Access year, Access date, URL

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Last modified on: August 16th, 2021