
In-text citations

Format: Ministry/organisation, year, page number

Ex.: (The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, 2017, p. 5)

In the reference list

Format: Ministry/Organisation. (The year the curriculum/framework applies from). Title in italics. Retrieved from: URL

Eks.: The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training. (2017). Rammeplan for barnehagen: Forskrift om rammeplan for barnehagens innhold og oppgaver. Retrieved from:

Note: If you have used to read the curriculum/framework use the box “Norwegian laws and regulations” instead

I EndNote

Add as Government Document

Fill in the fields Author (write the name of the ministry/organisation with a comma at the end to prevent abbreviations), Title, Year, and URL

I Zotero

Add as Report

Fill in the fields Title, Author, Report number, Institusjon ([Circular] og institusjon), Date, URL

Note: For APA 6th, ‘No.’ is included before Report number in the bibliography, and must be removed manually.

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Last modified on: October 11th, 2021