Conference paper

In-text citations

Format:  [reference no.]

Ex: Text [1]

Format: [reference no, p. pagenumber]

Ex.: Text [1, p. 74].


In the reference list

Format: [Reference no.] A. A. Author’s last name, “Title of paper,” presented at Conference titleplace, country, date or year.

Ex. 1: [1] F. Wang, H. Chen, J. Zhao og C. Rong, “IDMTM: A novel intrusion detection mechanism based on trust model for ad hoc networks,” presented at 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Ginowan, Japan, 2008.

Ex. 2: [2] P. Ingwersen and A. Elleby, “Do Open Access Working Papers Attract More Citations Compared to Printed Journal Articles from the Same Research Unit?,” presented at Proceedings of the ISSI 2011 Conference : 13th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics & Informetrics, Durban, South Africa, 04.-07. July 2011, [Online]. Available:

Note: Include paper number and / or pages if available.

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Fill in the fields Author, Year, Title, Periodical title, Volume, Issue, Pages, E-pub date, Type (write Online), DOI or URL.

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Last modified on: October 11th, 2021