Book with 21 authors or more

In-text citations

Format: Only the first author and [et. al]: (Author et al., year, p. page)

Example: (Christensen et al., 2013, p. 67)

In the reference list

Format: The first 19 authors are mentioned, followed by (. . .) and the last author. (year). Title in italics. Publisher.

Example.:  Christensen, L. S., Asbjørnsen, P. C., Moe, A., Berggren, A., Prøysen, A., Skram, A., Staalesen, G., Ragde, A. B., Mehlum, J., Henriksen, L., Jæger, J., Sandel, C., Vesaas, T., Aarø, S. L., Borgen, J., Dahle, G., Lindstrøm, M., Grimsrud, B., Lerum, M. G., . . . Dyresen, R. (2013). Julenoveller: 21 nye og klassiske noveller fra norske forfattere. Juritzen.

Note: You have to include information about the edition you are using as a source, except when it is the 1st edition.

I EndNote

Add as Book.

Fill in the fields: Author, Year, Title, Edition*, Publisher.

*Not for 1st editions.

Note: You have to edit the author list manually in Word. When you have finished inserting references, convert to plain text (remember to make a backup), then delete authors from the list and add . . . before the last author name.

I Zotero

Add as Book.

Fill in the fields: Author, Year, Title, Edition*, Publisher.

*Not for 1st editions.

Note: You have to edit the author list manually in Word. When you have finished inserting references, convert to plain text by clicking Unlink Citations (remember to make a backup), then delete authors from the list and add . . . before the last author name.

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Last modified on: October 11th, 2021