Journal article with 2 authors

In-text citations

Format: (First author surname & Second author surname, Year, p. page number(s))

Ex.: (Sointu & Woodhead, 2008, s. 261)

Note: Both authors mentioned every time.

In the reference list

Format: Authors. (year). Title. Journal title in italics, volume(issue), pages. doi:

Ex.: Sointu, E., & Woodhead, L. (2008). Spirituality, gender, and expressive selfhood. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion47(2), 259-276.

Ex.: Hippe, J. M., & Steen, S. I. (2015). Før tariffoppgjøret 2016: Adgangen til å opprette (brede) felles tjenestepensjonsordninger. Arbeidsrett, 9(2), 193-211. Retrieved from

Note: If information on DOI or URL is missing exclude this form the reference.

Note: If information on volume is missing exclude this from the reference.

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Last modified on: October 11th, 2021