Book with editor

In-text citations

Format: (Editor’s last name, year, page)

Ex.: (Tønnessen, 2010, p. 52)

In the reference list

Format:Editor. (Ed.). (year). Title in italics. Publisher.

Ex.: Tønnessen, E. S. (Ed.). (2010). Sammensatte tekster: Barns tekstpraksis. Universitetsforlaget.

Note: More than one editor: (Eds.)

Note: When a book is published in more editions, give the edition number in the literature list, but NOT the 1st edition. List the book you have used as source.

I EndNote

Add as Edited book.

Fill in the fields: Editor, Year, Title, Edition*, Publisher.

Note: *Not when 1st edition.

I Zotero

Add as Book.

Fill in the fields: Title, Editor, Edition*, Publisher, Date.

Note: *Not when 1st edition.

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Last modified on: March 10th, 2023