Circulars (Norwegian Government)

In-text citations

Format: (Ministry, year, page number)

Ex.: (Ministry of Children and Equality, 2015, p. 4)

In the reference list

Format: Ministry. (Year). Title of proposition in italics (Circular number) [Circular]. Publisher. URL

Ex.: Ministry of Children and Equality. (2015). Guidelines for processing child welfare cases where children have ties to other countries(Q-42/2015) [Circular]. The Government.

Note:If you do not have an URL, replace this with publisher

I EndNote

Add as Government Document

fill in the fields  Author, Year, Title, Section (enter the word Circular here), Report number, Publisher. URL.

Note: If you do not have an URL, replace this with Publisher.

I Zotero

Add as Report

Fill in the fields Title, Author, Report number, Institution ([Circular] and Institution), Date, URL

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Last modified on: May 24th, 2022