
In-text citations

Format: Author, year, pages

Ex.: (Mughal, 2016, p. 14)

Note: If there are no page numbers, you can include any of the following in the text to cite the quotation (from APA Style Blog):

  • a paragraph number, if provided; alternatively, you can count paragraphs down from the beginning of the document;
  • an overarching heading plus a paragraph number within that section; or
  • an abbreviated heading (or the first few words of the heading) in quotation marks, in cases in which the heading is too unwieldy to cite in full.

In the reference list

Format: Author. (year). Book title in italics. DOI/Retrieved from URL

Ex.: Mughal, Y. M. (2016). A parametric framework for modelling of bioelectrical signals.  Retrieved from http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-287-969-1/page/1

Note: Give e-reader book-types in square brackets after the title if applicable. [] If the book was read or acquired through an online library (e.g. Google Books, ebrary) and not on an e-reader device, omit the bracketed information from the reference.

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Fill in the fields Author, Year, Title and DOI / URL

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Last modified on: September 24th, 2021