
In-text citations

Format: (Producer, year, time)

Eks.: (Bragg, 2018, 6:25)

Note: List the primary contributors in the author position.

In the reference list

Format: Producer etc. (Roles). (Year). Title in italics. [Material type]. Retrieved from URL

List the primary contributors in the author position and use parentheses to identify their contribution.

Ex. 1: Chivvis, D. (Producer). (2014). Serial [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from https://serialpodcast.org/season-one

Note: To cite an episode of a podcast or radio series, use the same format as chapter in a book, but list the scriptwriter and director in the author position, and the producer in the editor position.

Ex. 2: Koenig, S. (Writer). (2014). The Alibi. [Podcast episode]. In S. Koenig, J. Snyder & Chivvis, D. (producers), Serial . Retrieved from https://serialpodcast.org/season-one/1/the-alibi

I EndNote

Add as Podcast

For podcast series, fill in: Author (+ role in Label), Year, Title of podcast (add in italics in EndNote), Type, URL

For podcast episode, fill in: Author (+ role in Label), Year, Title of podcast, Title of show, Producer, Type, URL

I Zotero

Add as Podcast

Fill in fields Title, Podcaster (+ contributors or guests), Series title, File type, URL

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Last modified on: October 11th, 2021