Journal arcticle with 8 authors or more

In-text citations

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Ex.: (Zhang et al., 2013, p. 3186)

In the reference list

Format: The first six authors, … the last author. (year). Title. Journal title in italicsvolume(issue), pages. doi:

Eks. 1: Zhang, W., Wang, G., Liu, Y., Zhao, X., Zou, D., Zhu, C., . . . Zreiqat, H. (2013). The synergistic effect of hierarchical micro/nano-topography and bioactive ions for enhanced osseointegration. Biomaterials, 34(13), 3184-3195. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.01.008

Eks. 2: Kim, J., Cho, M., Hong, J. P., Bae, J., Cho, S. J., Hahm, B., . . . Chang, S. M. (2015). Gender differences in depressive symptom profile: Results from nationwide general population surveys in Korea. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 30(11), 1659-1666. Hentet fra

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Last modified on: October 11th, 2021