Anonymous newspaper article

In-text citations

Format:  (Author, year) If there is no author of the newspaper article, mention the newspaper as responsible.

Eks.:  (Farsunds Avis, 1962)

In the reference list

Format:  Online edition: Author. (year, date). Title of article. Title of newspaper [if necessary add place]. Retrieved from url

Ex.:  Farsunds Avis. (1962, 09. juni). Sæløer og Korshavn ligger som en protest mot avfolkningstendensen i sørlandsk skjærgård.

Print edition: Author. (year, date). Title of article. Title of newspaper [if necessary add place], page number.

I EndNote

Add as Newspaper article.

Write the name of the newspaper in the Reporter field (add a comma at the end of the name to avoid invertion), Year, Title, Pages, Issue date.

I Zotero

Add as Newspaper article.

Fill in the fields Title, Author (write the name of the newspaper in the Author field), Date, URL or Pages.

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Last modified on: October 11th, 2021